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  • Writer's pictureHawai'i House Democrats

House Bill 2511 Appropriates $600 Million to Provide Homes for Native Hawaiians

Honolulu, Hawai‘i – This afternoon, the legislative conference committee on House Bill (HB) 2511, Relating to the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL), adopted a conference draft (CD 1).

HB 2511, HD2, SD2, CD1 appropriates $600 million to DHHL for lot development, purchase of lands and units, and mortgage and rent relief. The bill also includes a three (3) year lapse date, subject to reporting and evaluation of progress by the Legislature.

"Every year, we say that if we have enough money, we would do significant things to improve the lives of our citizens. This year, because of our unexpected financial situation, we are making an unprecedented investment to provide homes for Native Hawaiians, even beyond DHHL lands," said Rep. Sylvia Luke, Chair of the House Committee on Finance and House Co-Chair for the conference committee.

The conference committee on HB 2511 was created to resolve differences between the last House and Senate version of the bill. The conference committee is comprised of the following:

  • House: Representatives Nakashima, Luke, Co-Chairs; Eli, Holt, Tam, and Ward

  • Senate: Senators Shimabukuro, Chair; Keohokalole, Keith-Agaran, Co-Chairs; and Fevella



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