On Wednesday, June 16, 2021 Governor David Ige Signed into law:
SB697 designates January of each year as "Kalaupapa Month".
SB939 establishes June 19 of each year as Juneteenth.
Statement by John Mizuno on Governor's Bill Signing of SB939
"Juneteenth represents so much more than just acknowledging America's troubling past of slavery as well as ongoing instances of prejudice and discrimination, It represents our desire to overcome, to triumph, and endure as a Nation where all people are free to enjoy the promise of life, liberty, justice and the pursuit of happiness."
Statement by Lynn Decoite on Governor's Bill Signing of SB697
In the words of Uncle Boogie, 'to all of our people, you will always be remembered. You are the pillars and icons of times past...Your stories are of solitude, passion, and grace. May your legacy live on with aloha.' Designating the month of January as "Kalaupapa Month" is a sign of Respect and Aloha to their legacy."

Photos courtesy of The office of The Governor