Hale o nā Luna Maka‘āinana
Lauren Nahme
Pankaj Bhanot
Naalehu Anthony
Wendell Lee
Wes Machida
Lisa Maruyama
Chris VanBergeijk
Xan Avendano, Weinberg Foundation
Chris Benjamin, Alexander & Baldwin
Ms. Samantha Church, Executive Director, Family Promise of Hawaii
Dr. Phil Garboden, Professor, UHERO and Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Matthew Emerson, Bank of Hawaii Corporation
Jeff Gilbreath, Hawaiian Community Lending
Michelle Kauhane, Hawaii Community Foundation
James Koshiba, Hui Aloha
Rose Prieto, Affordable Hawaii for All
Aura Reyes, Ka Poe O Kakaako
Ali Slous, Governor's Coordinator for Disaster Recovery
Milo Spindt, Kauai Housing Development Corp.
Janice Takahashi, Hawaii Housing Finance & Developpment Corp.
Laura Thielen, Partners in Care
Gavin Thornton, Hawaii Appleseed
Tracey S. Wiltgen, Mediation Center of the Pacific
Chris Tatum, President & CEO, Hawaii Tourism Authority
Attorney General Clare Connors
Ford Fuchigami
Jerry Gibson
Mufi Hannemann, President & CEO, Hawaii Lodging and Tourism Association
Major General Ken Hara, or designee
Peter Ho, Co-chair, President & CEO, Bank of Hawaii
Peter Ingram, Chairman, Airlines Committee of Hawaii
Elliot Mills
Alan Oshima, or designee
Dr. Sarah Park, State Epidemiologist, Disease Outbreak Control Division, State Department of Health
Raymond Vara, President & CEO, Hawaii Pacific Health
Representative Richard Onishi, Chair, House Tourism & International Affairs Committee Chair
Dr. Eric Kingma, Executive Director, Hawaii Longline Association
Sheryl, Matsuoka, Executive Director, Hawaii Restaurant Association
Brian Miyamoto, Executive Director, Hawaii Farm Bureau
Lauren Zirbel, Executive Director, Hawaii Food Industry Association